Varanus semiremex
Peters (1869)
-Rusty Monitor
My Story
Rustys, also known as Rusty monitors, are medium-sized monitors with a typical snout-vent length (excluding the tail) of around 25-35cm in adults.
They have a coloration that is light grey or brown with darker spots and flecks across the body. The underside is light cream, while the throat to upper chest area can vary between yellow and a rusty color.
Rustys are arboreal and semi-aquatic species found in mangroves and swamps along the coastal regions of Queensland (QLD), ranging from Gladstone to the top of Cape York. They use hollowed tree trunks and limbs as shelter.
In captivity, most Rustys become well habituated to human interaction and presence once they settle in. However, females tend to remain flighty. Tong feeding can be established, and some individuals may display strong feeding responses.
Husbandry for Rusty monitors is generally easy, and their smaller size makes them easier to keep compared to larger water monitors.
If kept indoors, a large enough water source should be provided for them to submerge. It's important to note that they can create quite a mess with the water.
Although Rustys are semi-aquatic, I have found that adults do not use ponds as frequently as larger species like Mertens' monitors.
Here are some guidelines for their husbandry:
Enclosure size: Since Rustys are both arboreal and semi-aquatic, they require both vertical and horizontal space. Enclosures for adult pairs should be a minimum of 1.2m x 1.2m.
Substrate and furnishings: Sand, soil, or large pebbles can be suitable substrates. Large pebbles are preferable for water species as they don't stick to the wet body and get dragged into the water source, causing faster fouling. Providing plenty of hollows, hides, and climbing branches is necessary.
Temperatures and lighting: Adequate UVB lighting is essential for internal keeping. A basking hot spot with a bright lamp directed onto a rock or tiles is ideal, with temperatures ranging around 50-65°C. The ambient heat gradient over the rest of the enclosure should be around 28-33°C during the warmer active months.
Humidity: Rustys are from coastal regions, so maintaining humidity is important. Frequent misting and providing a constant water source are required.
Feeding: The bulk of their diet should consist of crickets, wood roaches, and other insects. Regular dusting of calcium powder and vitamins is necessary for young animals. Adults can consume whole prey such as fish, yabbies, prawns, rat pups, mice, small quail, and other meats. It's important to maintain a well-balanced variety, considering the fat content. Be cautious with a large diet of frozen fish, as it can lead to thiamine deficiency.
Life span: Rustys have an average recorded captive life span of over 12 years.